About Us

Our group consists of two flour mills, one emulsifier factory, a bakery producing an assortment of bread and confectionery for retail and as a vendor for several multinationals and large Indian Companies, a blending unit for bread improvers and a blending unit for ice cream mixes.

We have been producing emulsifiers since 1995. Our first factory was based in North India and the Goa factory commenced production in 2009.

We were the first Indian Company to produce and export Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (PGPR) and Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL) in the 1990’s. We are still considered India’s premier manufacturer of quality emulsifiers.

Since 80% of our current production is exported, food safety is of paramount importance to us. So is cleanliness and hygiene. All our machinery is made from Stainless Steel, and all prerequisite and critical control points are in place. We are FSSC 22000 Certified, a certification far more stringent than ISO 22000 and ISO 9001. We have strived and worked hard for this certification not because we have to but because we want to. It is our belief that any product shipped out of this factory is 100% safe for human consumption. This is our integral philosophy.

Raw materials are sourced from the most prominent manufacturers in the world. We do not compromise on raw material quality. We do not buy from a supplier because they are cheaper. We control what goes out by ensuring what comes in is carefully selected and tested.

We are also an organisation that is able to offer the customer what they want. Small and large buyers are welcome, and we strive to offer you the quality you want in your preferred packaging, at the time you want it delivered. We believe in complete honesty with our customers and suppliers.

All our emulsifiers conform to the Food Chemical Codex and specifications listed by EFEMA.

Our other certifications: Kosher and Halal. We are also an associate member of RSPO.